Project management for researchers and evaluators
Introduction to Project Management
The field of project management offers many tools and tips that can be used to enhance evaluation and research projects.
Managing research project risks
Challenges can occur in any research or evaluation project, but we improve our project success by proactively anticipating and planning for them.
Identifying “lessons learned”
Debriefing is a useful strategy to help project teams build on successes and develop recommendations for improvement.
Strengthening research team communications
Maintaining strong communication with our teams is one of the most important steps toward ensuring project success.
Developing Work Breakdown Structures
Work Breakdown Structures provide a strong foundation for more comprehensive project planning.
Visualizing your timeline
Creating a network diagram and calculating your critical path can help you prioritize tasks and manage your timeline.
Estimating project timelines and costs
Developing estimates can be challenging, but there are several useful strategies for improving our accuracy.
Monitoring and controlling projects
While implementing research projects, we should monitor our status and thoughtfully manage changes to our approach.
Negotiating research projects
A “win-win” negotiation approach can help researchers and partners develop strong relationships that support high-quality projects.